
bullit "I had the opportunity to work with Jacqueline and Margot when I already had about 5 years of experience in NED-roles, mostly in smaller organisations. I I started self-educated and with training on the job, but later on, I did a formal NED-training at a leading business school in The Netherlands. Despite this, when my experience and the number and size of my directorships grew, I embarked on the coaching journey with Jacqueline and Margot as I was looking for more targeted knowledge and coaching. They adapted the sessions to my needs and made sure the prereadings for each of the sessions were adapted to and added to my knowledge level of formal governance. The true value for me was the very genuine interest that had in my needs and challenges and how they helped me find the right approach through freely sharing their own knowledge and experience and help me find the right questions to ask. I applied what we discussed in my board and commission meetings and we then evaluated the approach and its outcomes in the next session.I am forever grateful for their wisdom and flexibility and can recommend them to all NEDs with a few years of experience."

Kim Smit - March 2024

bullit"I was fortunate enough to receive one-on-one coaching and training from Margot and Jacqueline for the duration of a year. They imparted a wealth of experience and knowledge in a highly personalized and interactive way. Their guidance and insights helped me improve my supervisory skills and expand my perspective in my supervisory roles. Their approach to balancing theory, the latest trends, and sharing of their experiences was incredibly valuable, making the theory come to life. They absolutely equipped me with a whole spectrum of valuable knowledge to perform as a supervisory board member."

NED on  the Board of a smallcap tech company in NL - January 2023

bullit"I believe that Margot and Jacqueline offer something powerful and unique in the world of coaching and development for (newly appointed) NEDs. They go far beyond the NED 'textbook' sharing their own experiences in a way that's flexible, tailored and adapted to suit your specific needs.( I bracketed 'newly appointed' as based on my experience I think a number of NEDs who've been in post for some time could benefit from this programme too!). 
Their programme is excellent and covers the areas which can only be learned from NEDs as 'insiders' -both the 'what' you need to know and the 'how' you might think about your role/style and  interventions; each element is spaced over time to coincide with your relevant NED meetings.
I feel very privileged to have been able to work with Jacqueline and Margot and learn from their wealth of knowledge and experience and I'm confident that I will be a much better NED as a result."

FTSE 250 NED - November 2022

bullit"Being offered the opportunity to work with Margot and Jacqueline during my first year as a FTSE250 NED has proven to be invaluable. They customised our meeting schedule to align with my business calendar so we could discuss each topic at the most relevant time. 
They provided insightful pre-reads for each topic and facilitated stimulating discussions on the key opportunities, risks and issues being faced by non-executive directors today. 
A rich, worthwhile and very enjoyable experience." 

Newly appointed FTSE250 NED - November 2022

bullit"Voor mij als relatief jonge toezichthouder bij een grote hogeschool werd een coachingtraject op maat samengesteld.
In een aantal 1-op-1-sessies kon ik leren aan de hand van literatuur, maar vooral van de ervaring en wijsheid van Margot en Jacqueline.
De oprechte aandacht en openheid in de sessies creëren ruimte om dieper te reflecteren op je eigen rol en effectieve inbreng als toezichthouder.
Het traject heeft mij bewust gemaakt van mijn ontwikkelpunten maar vooral van mijn toegevoegde waarde als toezichthouder."

Geesje Duursma-Dijkstra - Lid raad van toezicht NHLStenden Hogeschool - december 2021

bullit“As a new FTSE NED, I found this coaching immensely interesting and valuable to my journey into assimilating quickly, pivoting from a operating role to a board one, and being able to provide value in a board setting. Jacqueline and Margot are a pleasure to work with, have lovely anecdotes and are transparent in your areas of growth. What better coaches can anyone get!” 

Newly appointed NED - January 2021

bullit"As a rather experienced non-executive board member I chose this course within the framework of an educational board program because it gave me the opportunity to define the content together with Jacqueline and Margot. I learnt a lot of their stories and experiences. especially in the field of board dynamics. I feel more confident about my role in - and contribution to -  the board and his decision making. Thanks for your input, support and feedback."

Liesbeth Kneppers, member supervisory board EBN BV and Wolters Kluwer Holding the Netherlands BV. - November 2020

bullit"It's a pleasure being coached by two very experienced women. They start with sending interesting articles on a specific subject. It helps you to think about it in your situation and questions come up easily. They listen well, ask smart questions and understand your situation before they advise and let you think how to improve. Then you feel confident to practice what you learned."

Kees Pingen, Member Supervisory Board Royal FloraHolland, CEO Smit Kwekerijen BV - May 2020

bullit"Jacqueline and Margot have a wealth of experience from their years on different boards, in various countries. They helped me enormously to see how I could be more effective both in my preparation for board meetings and during meetings. Reflecting on ‘how questions are asked’ proved very effective. I would highly recommend their consulting services."

SAE - London - February 2020

bullit"As an external auditor, I was not the typical target audience for this coaching; however it gave me practical examples and good insights in the dynamics within the non-executive boards and the role I can and should play. This coaching is strengthening the governance and controls of every company by well educated and curious NED's as well as external auditors. Thank you for the insights, practical guidance and honest feedback!”

Rogier van Adrichem - Audit partner PwC - June 2019

 bullit“Having two conversations between appointment and my first board meeting was terrifically valuable. What you get is so much more than the theory you can glean for yourself – it’s the stories. They bring things you’ve read or heard to life.
I left with deeper technical understanding, plenty of practical tips and several absolute pearls which have already become my watchwords. Without these conversations I would have taken materially longer to find my feet on the board.”

Newly appointed NED

bullit“A very valuable coaching programme to jumpstart a supervisory role. With their extensive Board room experience, Jacqueline and Margot add colour to the professional literature. It was not only about getting answers, they teach something far more valuable: asking the right questions. Thank you for the inspiring sessions!”

A quote from an interview with her in Executive Finance magazine:“What I have learned in particular was the art of asking the right questions. I am a high energy person and a fast talker. But as a board member, one has to think long and hard about the effect you want to have on the executives. […] What have been their biggest trade-offs? When implementing a plan, what other plans have they discarded? How did their choices come about? That is what the discussions in the boardroom should be about.”

Lizet Friesen-Leibbrandt, Board member Royal Agrifirm Group since December 2016, and CFO of HAK - June 2018

 bullit“This is such a good idea to provide personal coaching from first hand experience. There are courses on governance et al, but little or nothing on the dynamics of adding value and having impact whilst observing the rules of engagement. This highly professional team are easy to work with and have lots of practical pointers to share. I would recommend them to all first time NEDs and even to those who are already on boards and would welcome some further insights.”

Anna Mann - Chairman MWM Consulting LLP