
bullitScheltema Tammenoms is a company led by Margot Scheltema and Jacqueline Tammenoms Bakker. We have wide-ranging and complementary experience, both as Executives and as Board Members. We have worked in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors in The Netherlands, the UK and a number of other countries (Tunisia, Venezuela, Turkey, France, Switzerland). We have served on boards of large listed companies, smaller companies and not for profit foundations; and Boards with major (family) shareholders. Our Board experience includes chairing the Boards as well as Audit, Remuneration, Nomination, Governance and ESG Committes; and responding to challenges like business model disruption, mergers, acquisitions and take-overs, CEO and Board succession, and reputational crises. 

Scheltema  en Tammenoms

Our personal recollections of being
a first-time Board member

MARGOT SCHELTEMA Triodos Bank was my first Board. Within months, I was appointed Chair of the Audit Committee, for which I was quite unprepared. Both on the Board and in the AC, I learned the ropes through trial and error: what worked and what didn’t? Gradually, I found my feet; talking to people on other Boards and sharing dilemma’s – but it would have been so helpful if I had found a safe method to steepen my learning curve.

JACQUELINE TAMMENOMS BAKKER In 2009, I became a Non-Executive Director with Tesco PLC in the UK with no previous listed company Board experience. I made classic mistakes, for instance not understanding fully the different role of a Non-Executive versus an Executive Director and being too directive in my comments.
Fortunately I had generous colleagues who shared their experiences over cups of coffee – but that was sheer luck.

Margot Scheltema

bullitMargot Scheltema

Board experience Margot Scheltema’s portfolio of Board positions has included the Dutch Central Bank DNB, ASR Insurance Group, Schiphol Airport Group, Lonza in Basel and TNT Express.  , as well as the Rijksmuseum. She has always chaired, or been a member of, the Audit Committee.
Currently, she serves on the Boards of NEDAP (a listed technology company) and chairs the Netherlands Eye Association. She also serves as an Expert Member of the Enterprise Chamber of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal. In the not-for-profit sector, she is a board member of 'Het Nederlands Fotomuseum' and of the Netherlands Bach Society, as well as the Veer Stichting.

Executive experience In 1985, she joined Shell International to pursue an international career, holding jobs in finance in various countries (UK, Tunisia, Venezuela) and businesses (exploration, retail, country management, corporate). In Venezuela, she was Shell Downstream’s Vice President Finance for five countries in Latin America.
In 2004, she returned to The Netherlands as the Finance Director for Shell Netherlands. After five years in that position, she left Shell to build a portfolio of national and international non-executive Board positions. 


bullitJacqueline Tammenoms Bakker

Board experience
Since 2008, Jacqueline Tammenoms Bakker has served as an independent Board member. She is currently a Board member and Chair of the ESG Committee at Boskalis (NL) and the Dutch Association of listed companies (VEUO).

Previously she was a Board member and Chair of the CSR Committee at Tesco PLC (UK) (2009-2015), a Board member and Chair of the Remunerations Committee at Vivendi (FR) (2010-2014), a Board member of CNH Industrial (NL, Italy) (2012-2021), a Board member of Unibail Rodamco Westfield (FR/NL) (2015-2020), Vice-Chair and Chair of the Remunerations Committee at TomTom (2014-2022), a Board member and Chair of the Governance Committee at Groupe Wendel (FR) (2015-2023). Chairman of the Van Leer Group Foundation (NL) (2011-2020), and a Board member of Het Kadaster/Land Registry (2008-2012).

Executive experience
In 1977, she joined Shell International and worked in The Netherlands, the UK and Turkey. In 1989 she joined McKinsey, and in 1995 she was appointed Vice-President Food Europe at Quest International (Unilever) in The Netherlands.
In 1999, she moved to the public sector in The Netherlands, firstly as Director of GigaPort (a public-private initiative to roll out broadband networks), and then as a Director-General at the Dutch Ministry of Transport (2001-2007).
In 2006 she was awarded the Légion d’Honneur for her contribution to cooperation between The Netherlands and France, and in 2006-2007 she chaired the EU High Level Group on the regulatory framework for civil aviation reporting to the EU Commissioner for Transport.